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The DFC’s Talent Directory is for anyone based in the UK who works (or wants to work) in UK independent documentary film, in whatever capacity. From producers, directors, editors, archivists and academics to distributors, exhibitors, curators, commissioners and executives, the DFC Talent Directory is for you. Designed to raise the profile of the workforce in this sector and to make it easier to recruit people from under-represented backgrounds, this is is the first dedicated Directory for the UK’s independent documentary industry. Please join it, use it, and help spread the word! 
NOTE: We are currently in testing stage. The EDI Committee are working with a focus group to test and develop the Directory so that it best represents the diversity of the sector. For the time being, you can sign up with elementary data (name, region, occupation, level of experience). At the end of the testing stage you will be invited to update your profile with more detail.

Featured Profiles

Fahd Ahmed

Editor, Producer

Fotis Begklis

Academic, Editor, Self-shooting P/D

Penny Woolcock


Elena Santamaria

Creative Producer

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