The DFC have hit the ground running in 2024. We have made contact with the Shadow Culture Secretary and we are urging Parliament’s committee on Film and High-end TV to let us give verbal evidence on behalf of the sector.
This month we made contact with the Shadow Culture Secretary, Thangam Debbonaire, whose team requested a written briefing on the current challenges facing the UK documentary film sector. We worked with Christo Hird (Dartmouth Films/Documentary Producers UK) on the text, which is intentionally brief (just 2 pages). You can read the briefing in full here.
Also, after submitting evidence at the end of last year to the DCMS Inquiry into British Film and High-end TV, we are also urging the committee to let the DFC give verbal evidence on behalf of the sector (documentary hasn’t been mentioned yet so we’re keen to change that). You can read the DFC’s full response to the Parliamentary Inquiry here.
If you have any feedback on the briefing or evidence submitted – or ideas about how it can be improved, please let us know via Communicating the needs of this sector to those outside of it is a key part of the DFC’s work, so it’s vital we get this right.