
on the ScreenSkills career stage scale
Languages spoken
English, French, Spanish

Eleanor Mortimer


Eleanor Mortimer (b.1988) is a documentary filmmaker from Suffolk, UK. Since teaching herself to film and edit to disseminate protests as an activist in 2011 she has made a range of shorts including TERRITORY which screened in competition at Sundance & won ‘Best Short Documentary’ at Hot Docs, SEAFARERS for New York Times Op Docs, BIRD for Channel 4 Random Acts, BUBBLE which won ‘Best Short Documentary’ at Festival dei Popoli & RIVER which premiered at Dokufest. She is currently in production with her first feature (about deep sea taxonomy), supported by Sundance & Sandbox Films. She was the recipient of a Nat Geo Storytelling fellowship & holds an MA in Directing Documentary from NFTS. She lives in London as an itinerant boater and alongside her practice teaches documentary to community groups and film students. In 2020 she founded Luna Films to create work about our connection to the environment.


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