
on the ScreenSkills career stage scale
Languages spoken
English, Irish, French, German, Spanish

Ferg McGrath BFE

Editor, Story Consultant

The UK documentary-making industry has been very good to me. I grew up in Ireland and I made a home in London in the early 1990s. Since then I’ve been part of the editing and post-production community, mainly as a documentary editor. I worked on an amazing array of projects with incredibly talented Directors and Producers. Our films and series have been screened at festivals and some even had award successes! In the last decade, I started a company called The Cutting Room (TCR). TCR’s Edit Consultants are far brighter talents than I am! We specialise in all aspects of documentary editing and consulting. Our Consulting services, reduce risk for commissioners in the hiring process and productions gain access to Editing expertise that’s usually out of reach. Our Elevating service adds value to films and series usually at the end of the edit.


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