
on the ScreenSkills career stage scale
Languages spoken
English, Hungarian, Greek

Margareta Szabo


Margareta, originally from Budapest, Hungary, is the co-founder of Labor of Love Films, a Yorkshire-based film production company. She’s an accomplished film producer and a graduate of Pázmány Péter University, Hungary’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education. She’s a Berlinale Talents alumna, and Sheffield DocFest Future Producer School alumna. In 2022 Creative UK’s Female Founders initiative recognised her as one of Britain’s rising female entrepreneurs. Margareta produced multiple audience-award winning documentary A BUNCH OF AMATEURS, which received Grierson, The Big Screen Awards nominations, Grand Jury Awards at the Santa Barbara International FF, among other accolades. Her portfolio includes  feature  documentary VOICES OF THE SEA for POV/PBS, celebrated at several international film festivals, and HOTEL FOLLY for BBC Storyville.


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